Urban Opportunity

Urban Opportunity

We tell you all the time, farming’s not just happening in the country. In this episode, we meet VSU Alumni Tyrone Cherry, executive director of Petersberg is Growing and founder of Petersburg Oasis Youth Farm, which he operates in a partnership with VSU.



Founded in 1882, Virginia State University was one of the nation’s first Historically Black Colleges and Universities. In this special episode, we look at the impact and legacy of VSU and HBCUs on American agriculture.

Egg-Xactly, Part 2

Egg-Xactly, Part 2

North Carolina’s Braswell Family has been bringing you fresh eggs for generations – and now they produce 2 million a day!

Egg-Xactly, Part 1

Egg-Xactly, Part 1

Which came first, the chicken or the egg? We can’t answer that question… but we can take you to one of the country’s biggest and best egg producers, North Carolina’s Braswell Family Farms, which produces some 2 million eggs a day for people up and down the East Coast.



There are very few crops anywhere in the world that can pinpoint their origin. But we know the exact spot where Virginia peanuts were first planted, and we’ll take you there.

Tropical Fruit Salad

Tropical Fruit Salad

Papayas, mangoes, coconuts and bananas – makes you think you can’t possibly see them growing together in the U.S. What would really surprise you is to see these things growing together – like right on top of each other – and thriving without any fertilizer or pesticide or even any (gasp!) water.

New Old-School Farming

New Old-School Farming

There’s something amazing going on near the Florida Everglades. Farmers are growing crops without irrigation, even in the blistering southwestern part of the Sunshine State. Even more amazing, they’re practicing agriculture the way people have done it for thousands of years – with just a few modern twists.

They Grow Potato Chips? Part 2

They Grow Potato Chips? Part 2

In Part 2, we’ll meet some more great NC potato growers and how those taters get sorted and packed. Plus you’ll meet the national reps from the National Potato Council and Potatoes USA who help put ’em on every plate, and the man who’s in the process of taking his North Carolina potato deal to Cuba.

They Grow Potato Chips? Part 1

They Grow Potato Chips? Part 1

When you open a bag of potato chips, do you ever stop and think that those were grown on a farm? Or wonder where that farm was? In the summer – including the all-important 4th of July – a tiny part of NE North Carolina is the only game in town for the 3/4s of Americans who live east of the Rockies.

Baseball, News And Chickens?

Baseball, News And Chickens?

We keep telling you farming happens everywhere – in the country, of course, but also in cities and suburbs, on rooftops, in parking lots, and apparently the backyard of a network news anchor and her MLB star and broadcast husband.