Sweet Vidalia Reboot, Part 2

Season 3, Episode 10

In Part 1 of this episode, we found out the legendary Vidalia Onion might be the greatest accident in the history of agriculture. Now it’s time to meet some amazing farmers.

Aries Haygood was 32-years-old and on top of the world. He’d just been named Vidalia Onion Grower of the Year — an honor usually reserved for his elder peers — when he got an earth-shattering medical diagnosis.

Bo Herndon didn’t come from a farming background. But he always knew what he wanted to do. He didn’t have much help getting going — but he’s certainly made the most of it since.

John Shuman was away at college when he got a call telling him to come home. The family farm had gone bust. He’d planned to come back and join when he graduated. Now there was nothing left. Until he rebuilt it all.

These stories will show you why Vidalia, GA is probably our favorite part of everything we do. We love it all, but there’s something special about an onion that’s sweet and savory at the same time — and the people who grow it.