Being on the road filming Where The Food Comes From is interesting, fun and always exhausting. Full disclosure, staying in hotels doesn’t impress me and neither does trying to find something good to eat. We usually end up driving through a Chick-fil-A, if there is one around, or stopping at a local supermarket to pick up something to bring back to the hotel. Highly unsatisfying.
But at the end of filming Season 5 Episode 2: Homecoming in Reidsville, GA things were a little different. WTFCF Host and Producer Chip Carter and crew were treated to a homemade dinner prepared by the Shuman Family.

Lana & John Shuman

Luke & Jake Shuman
Well primarily, Shuman sons Luke and Jake with mom Lana keeping a careful eye on things and helping out when needed. John was still being interviewed by Chip. I felt bad for John; our day had started early at the packing house and the rainy weather made everyone just a little extra tired and we had already been at it for hours.

But the show – well in this case – dinner must go on. It was pretty comical watching the three of them hustle and bustle around their magnificent kitchen. Each one carefully watching what the other was doing. Add to this organized chaos of me and one of the cameramen trying to keep out of the way while still doing our jobs.

Yeah, there was a lot going on. And by now I am sure you are wondering what deliciousness the Shumans were creating.
Tonight’s menu consisted of a beautiful salad, rolls, and the star Pappardelle with Sausage and Caramelized Onion Ragu – one of Luke’s favorites. Side Note: You can find this recipe and more featuring Vidalia and RealSweet onions in the Where The Food Comes From Cookbook.

The meal, as you would imagine, tasted amazing. But more importantly it was about the people and breaking bread with those you truly love. The conversation was light and a lot of fun – so much so that even the most tired of us didn’t want the night to end. It was truly a gift from God and an amazing way to end a long wet day.
But alas all good things do come to an end and it was time to say goodbye. We are heading to Raleight, NC in the morning and need to hit the road early. There may not be another terrific meal with the Shumans, but the good news is there is a Chick-fil-A. Yay us!