Chlorophyll Water®, the first bottled water in the United States to pass the strict Clean Label Project certification requirements has transitioned to bottles made from 100% recycled plastic (rPET) with CleanFlake label technology.
These 100% rPET bottles are crafted from food-grade recycled polyethylene terephthalate (PET). The plastic is recycled as per the technologies approved by the US FDA and European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) for food-grade recycled material and repurposed into new PET bottles, reducing the need for virgin plastic for producing PET Bottles.

“As a brand, Chlorophyll Water® is committed to sustainability and implementation of new ideas and technology which can improve the impact that packaging has on our environment,” explains founder Matt Levine, “in utilizing bottles made from 100% recycled plastic, our intention is to make a truly meaningful and lasting environmental impact – addressing the plastic waste challenge, minimizing our use of virgin, fossil-fuel based packaging.”
The transition to rPET not only reduces plastic waste, but also can reduce CO2 emissions in the process, with some studies showing that rPET can result in up to a 79% reduction in carbon emissions when compared to new material.
To accompany their bottle made from 100% recycled plastic, Chlorophyll Water® selected Avery Dennison’s CleanFlake technology as their label to help improve the yield of high-quality, food grade PET in the recycling process. CleanFlake technology is built on a water-based adhesive technology that separates cleanly from PET during the caustic wash stage of the recycling process. No adhesive residue remains on the plastic, meaning it can be processed into clean, high quality, recycled PET flakes. CleanFlake technology ensures that Chlorophyll Water’s labels cleanly separate during the recycling process increasing the yields of pure PET flakes.
Recognized by the Green Business Bureau as “Good for the Mind, the Body, and the Planet,” Chlorophyll Water® is a plant-powered purified mountain spring water enhanced with the addition of Chlorophyll, a key ingredient, and the distinct green pigment in plant life.
Beyond the packaging, Chlorophyll Water® recently became the first bottled water in the United States to pass and receive the honor of Clean Label Project Certification with independent, third-party testing of over 90+ potential industrial environmental contaminants, demonstrates their meticulous purification process, commitment to quality ingredients and mountain spring water source protected by nature.

The Clean Label Project is a national nonprofit with the mission to bring truth and transparency to consumer product labeling and consumer product safety issues – heavy metals, pesticide residues and plasticizers, other chemicals of concern and truth in labeling.
Health practitioners, nutritionists and yoga teachers have long been advocates of the many benefits of chlorophyll, but this past year, Chlorophyll Water® has also gained mainstream popularity on social media with the #chlorophyll hashtags and #chlorophyllwater amassing over 1 billion mentions on Instagram and TikTok, with many social media users raving about the benefits of chlorophyll and sharing their personal results of drinking liquid chlorophyll and Chlorophyll Water® – everything from anti-aging to clearing up acne, glowing and healthy skin, speeding up metabolism, immune boosting properties, weight loss, detoxification, and boosting energy!
With the surge in consumer demand, “…after influencers raved about the health properties of Chlorophyll Water® , the brand quickly sold out…the small company’s product has been flying off of shelves,” according to MSN Money in an article entitled “Can’t Find the Chlorophyll Water.”
Gaining consumer-generated awareness on social media and being featured in the mainstream media in such publications ranging from Vogue to Women’s Health, has helped Chlorophyll Water® become a favorite amongst independent grocers nationwide.
With the popularity, Better Homes & Gardens has declared Chlorophyll Water “The Latest Green Nutritional Trend Taking Over Grocery Stores,” calling it “one of the latest trends for improving health…the research that’s available does suggest the health benefits of chlorophyll include antioxidant activity, gut-health promotion, and anti-inflammation effects.”
Registered Dietician Allie Gregg explains, “There are so many amazing benefits to drinking Chlorophyll Water! It helps your liver function which improves detoxification, increases energy, helps to balance hormones, aids in weight loss and also fights cravings, reduces inflammation, increases and refreshes your body’s red blood cells, [works as a] natural internal deodorizer, and promotes anti-aging and glowing skin.”
Chlorophyll Water is available at, on