Farming doesn’t just happen in the country — there’s an urban agricultural revolution afoot and Brick Street Farms in St. Petersburg, FL is doing it on a 1/3 acre asphalt lot.

Farming doesn’t just happen in the country — there’s an urban agricultural revolution afoot and Brick Street Farms in St. Petersburg, FL is doing it on a 1/3 acre asphalt lot.
Joe grows hundreds of thousands of gourmet mushrooms in his home laboratory. Ironically, when he started, he didn’t even care for mushrooms.
Nat Bradford’s family has been farming the same land in South Carolina for 200 years. The Bradford’s — the only labor force — are committed to keeping the family legacy alive.
We take a look at how berries have evolved in 20 short years from a treat to a nutritional powerhouse that has revolutionized eating habits — and the agricultural landscape.
They’re America’s second favorite… vegetable? Fruit? Tomatoes are a fruit — technically a berry — and Americans eat more of ’em than anything except potatoes.