Creepy Little Feet Meatloaf recipe.

Creepy Pretty Feet Meatloaf

Judith Morris
Turn your favorite meatloaf recipe - or use the one below - into a scary main dish for Halloween. Sure to please all your ghosts and goblins.
Checkout WTFCF Halloween Article A spooktacular Halloween Celebration And Feast!
Note: Beware - this recipe serves a crowd.
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Course Dinner
Cuisine American


  • 2 baking sheets


  • 3 pounds ground beef
  • 9 slices white bread, Note: Remove slices from the bag. Lay bread down on one side to be exposed to air for one hour, then flip to expose the other side for one hour. If time doesn't allow, you can use two or three pieces of stale bread.
  • 1 cup milk
  • 3 eggs
  • cups grated parmesan cheese
  • cups chopped fresh parsley
  • 3 onions, diced. Note: Set aside ½ cup for toe nails.
  • 2 cups ketchup, Note: Set aside 1 cup for the blood.
  • 1 tablespoon pepper
  • 1 teaspoon salt

For The Creepy Pretty Feet

  • 2 hot dogs, for ankle bones
  • 1 bunch curly Kale, for garnish.


  • Preheat oven to 350℉.
  • In a large bowl, tear up 9 bread slices in small pieces.
  • Add to bowl, 1 cup milk. Toss around until all the bread pieces are soaked.
  • Squeeze off the milk from the bread pieces, discard the milk, and keep the wet bread pieces in the bowl.
  • Add 3 eggs to the wet bread bowl. Mix well.
  • To the same bowl, add 3 pounds ground beef, 1½ cups Parmesan cheese, 2½ cups diced onion, 1 tablespoon salt, and 1 tablespoon pepper. Mix all ingredients with your hands until nicely incorporated.
  • On a greased baking sheet pan, place meatloaf mixture and shape the feet. Using a knife to cut and shape the toes - be sure to include the ankles.
  • After the feet are both shaped, place one hot dog into each foot through the top of the ankle. Place remaining ½ cup diced onions on top of toes to create toe nails.
  • Place in the oven on the middle rack and bake for 50 to 60 minutes. Note: Check it after 50 minutes for doneness.
  • On a clean baking sheet, place your kale down creating a base and transfer the cooked monster feet on top of the Kale.
  • Take 1 cup ketchup and drip it around the ankles to give a scary cut off at the ankles effect.


    About the Author

    Headshot of Judith Morris with apron.Judith was raised in Bloomfield New Jersey and moved to Florida in 2002. She has a background in commercial horticultural interior design, professional commercial holiday design, graphic design, restauranteur, catering, set design, event planning/design, interior design, and 17 years Owner/Operator/Director of Food Service in three Senior Living communities located in Florida.