Editor’s Note: Grapefruit is more than just a refreshing, tangy fruit—it’s a powerhouse of nutrients that can support your health in a variety of ways. Packed with vitamins, antioxidants, and fiber, grapefruit has long been celebrated for its potential to boost immunity, improve digestion, and promote heart health. Whether you enjoy it fresh, juiced, or as part of a salad, incorporating grapefruit into your diet offers a delicious way to tap into these health benefits.
Grapefruits are nutrient A-listers since they’re filled with vitamin C, and offer vitamin A and fiber. To be exact, half of a grapefruit offers 50% of your daily vitamin C, 10% of your daily value of vitamin A and 11% of your daily value of fiber. Talk about a fruit that’s not only delicious but has all the right things! Plus, did we mention their fame-worthy flavor? We’re talking tart. We’re talking sweet. They truly are the star of the summer.
What else does grapefruit got going for it? Lycopene is a plant antioxidant that is also found in tomatoes and watermelon (it’s what gives these varieties their pink/red color). This antioxidant that has been associated with benefits not only for skin health, but also for heart health, bone health, blood pressure, and cancer.
From sips to savories, you can count on grapefruit to be the star of your dish or drink. And with all their health benefits, it’s no wonder they’re a nutrient A-lister.
The post What are the health benefits of grapefruit? first appeared in The Foundation for Fresh Produce’s Have A Plant® blog from Sunkist Growers. Did you know Sunkist is an agricultural cooperative entirely owned by and operated for the California and Arizona citrus growers who make up its membership? Learn more about Sunkist here!
About The Foundation For Fresh Produce And Have A Plant® Movement

The Foundation for Fresh Produce’s vision is to grow a healthier world by changing the trajectory of human health. The produce industry has the potential to provide solutions for many of the world’s greatest health and economic challenges – especially those surrounding nutrition and hunger.
The Foundation focuses on improving the appeal of fruit and vegetables as an integral part of people’s diets, supporting the development of infrastructure and supply chain solutions that provide easier access, and establishing strategic alliances that enable children and families to form healthier eating habits.
The transformative Have A Plant® Movement inspires consumers with compelling reasons to believe in the powerful role fruits and vegetables can play to fuel happy, healthy and active lifestyles.