Episode Elements

Season 1, Episode 12 Sneak Peek: Sweet Vidalia, Part 1

Season 1, Episode 12 Sneak Peek: Sweet Vidalia, Part 1

Fifty years ago, no one had even heard of a Vidalia onion: it’s the result of maybe the happiest accident in food and farming history. Seems back in the 1930s, a farmer in Vidalia, GA had promised an onion crop to the local Piggly Wiggly. A late freeze took out the crop. No more onion seedlings...

Season 1, Episode 11 Sneak Peek: Eat Your Veggies (And Greens!)

Season 1, Episode 11 Sneak Peek: Eat Your Veggies (And Greens!)

Ever wondered how you have fresh veggies all year round even though it's not spring and summer all year round? It's all part of a plan. Part of it's Mother Nature's, part of it is the art of farming. We follow the sun from January in the Everglades with the vegetable experts at the L&M...

Season 1, Episode 10 Sneak Peek: A Little T & L

Season 1, Episode 10 Sneak Peek: A Little T & L

It doesn't much matter where the food comes from if you can't get it from there to where it needs to be. Enter transportation and logistics. We'll visit the Atlanta State Farmers Market — this is not the typical Saturday morning market you go to with your family — and see how the food keeps moving...

Season 1, Episode 9 Sneak Peek: Deadline – Florida Citrus, Part 2

Season 1, Episode 9 Sneak Peek: Deadline – Florida Citrus, Part 2

As a lethal disease called Citrus Greening continues to chew up Florida groves (half of the state's citrus land has disappeared in the last 15 years) growers are looking for alternatives. Some are growing citrus undercover in giant screened enclosures. Some are studying genetics for an answer. And...

Season 1, Episode 9 Behind-The-Scenes: Deadline — Florida Citrus

Season 1, Episode 9 Behind-The-Scenes: Deadline — Florida Citrus

Over the last 20 years, half of all Florida citrus groveland has disappeared. Some of that’s due to growing cities that are encroaching on agricultural land. But more of it is due to a lethal disease called Citrus Greening; the subject of Season 1, Episode 8 of Where The Food Comes From. Once a...

Season 1, Episode 9 Behind-The-Scenes: Deadline — Florida Citrus

Season 1, Episode 8 Behind-The-Scenes: Deadline — Florida Citrus

Over the last 20 years, half of all Florida citrus groveland has disappeared. Some of that’s due to growing cities that are encroaching on agricultural land. But more of it is due to a lethal disease called Citrus Greening; the subject of Season 1, Episode 8 of Where The Food Comes From. Once a...

Season 1, Episode 8 Sneak Peek: Deadline — Florida Citrus, Part 1

Season 1, Episode 8 Sneak Peek: Deadline — Florida Citrus, Part 1

Over the last 20 years, half of all Florida citrus groveland has disappeared. Some of that's due to growing cities that are encroaching on agricultural land. But more of it is due to a lethal disease called Citrus Greening. Once a tree is infected, the rest of the grove is not far behind. The...

Season 1, Episode 7 Sneak Peek: Sweetpotato Is One Word, Part 2

Season 1, Episode 7 Sneak Peek: Sweetpotato Is One Word, Part 2

In Episode 6, we introduced you to a few of the people who've helped make North Carolina the dominant force in U.S. sweetpotato production. Now we're going to take you to some amazing farms. North Carolina grows more than two-thirds of the annual U.S. sweetpotato crop. They're pretty darned good...

Season 1, Episode 7 Behind-The-Scenes: Sweetpotato Is One Word

Season 1, Episode 7 Behind-The-Scenes: Sweetpotato Is One Word

The “Dog Days” of summer is such an interesting phrase. But what exactly does it mean? It refers to the hottest and most humid days of the summer. The Farmer’s Almanac tells us it begins July 3rd and ends August 11th. The term conjures up images of sitting on a front porch sipping lemonade, sweet...

Season 1, Episode 6 Sneak Peek: Sweetpotato Is One Word, Part 1

Season 1, Episode 6 Sneak Peek: Sweetpotato Is One Word, Part 1

Tobacco built North Carolina agriculture and sustained it for generations. But it's sweetpotatoes riding to the rescue. Always a favorite with country folks, now we know they're nutritional powerhouses that also simply taste wonderful. Think you know how to spell sweetpotato? Probably not — check...