
Sweet Vidalia Reboot, Part 1

Sweet Vidalia Reboot, Part 1

The legendary Vidalia Onion might be the greatest accident in the history of ag. It’s hard to imagine living without ’em now, but they actually didn’t even exist until the 1930s.

Eat Your Broccoli!

Eat Your Broccoli!

Broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower are some of the healthiest veggies on Earth — but in the field they look like they’re from another planet.

Farming The Seas

Farming The Seas

We know our dirt farmers have tough jobs. We thought the same might be true for fishermen in the wild-caught industry. We were right.

The Watermelon Capital Of The World

The Watermelon Capital Of The World

There’s an organization that measures the world’s sweetest watermelons each year. Cordele, GA always wins — Watermelon frames the culture this small town.

A Real Family Farm

A Real Family Farm

Mom, Dad, three kids — one farm. From blackeyed peas and butterbeans to 300 head of cattle, every member of the family is involved, There’s not much screentime here!

Where The (Water) Buffalo Roam

Where The (Water) Buffalo Roam

A trip to Italy led to a dream to recreate Italian buffala mozzarella cheese and gelato from water buffalo here in the U.S. And we got up close and personal with the herd!

Larry’s Tree Redux

Larry’s Tree Redux

Larry Smith is a Christmas tree grower in the tiny North Carolina town of Newland, population about 700. But he’s hardly the only tree farmer — it’s pretty much what they do!