Watermelon Pizza With Strawberry Cheesecake Sauce
Leger & Son, Inc
Featured In WTFCF Season 3, Episode 06: The Watermelon Capital Of The World. Celebrate the summer with this delicious July 4th themed watermelon pizza! And the best part - watermelon, raspberries and blueberries can be enjoyed throughout the year!
- 1 watermelon, any size and sliced into 1 inch slices
- ½ cup vanilla Greek yogurt
- ½ cup strawberry whipped cream cheese
- ¼ cup powdered sugar
- ½ cup strawberries
- ½ cup pitted cherries
- ½ cup raspberries
- ½ cup blueberries
- shredded coconut
- fresh mint for garnish
In a mixer, add ½ cup yogurt, ½ cup whipped cream cheese, and ¼ cup powdered sugar. Mix well.
Slice the watermelon to form 1-inch slices and arrange on a large platter.
Spread cream cheese mixture over the watermelon like “pizza sauce,” avoiding the rind and sprinkle with shredded coconut.
Top with, ½ cup strawberries, ½ cup pitted cherries, ½ cup raspberries, and ½ cup blueberries.
Garnish with fresh mint.
Located in Cordelle, GA Leger & Son, Inc has been a family owned business for 3 generations. In 1965, C.M. “Buddy” Leger began shipping watermelons throughout Florida, Georgia, Indiana, and Missouri. His dream was to produce the highest quality watermelons in the southeast. In the early 1980s, he and other industry leaders saw a need for watermelon research and promotion. They founded the National Watermelon Promotion Board. Greg, President and Owner, grew up picking and packing watermelons. Under his dad’s direction, he learned the business from the ground up. His years of diligence, effort, and care has led Leger & Son to become one of the leading growers and shippers in the southeast. Greg’s passion and dedication are rooted in all aspects of the company. A philosophy built on going above and beyond the call of duty. In 2008, Leger & Son received the PMA Impact Award for being the first fresh produce shipper to incorporate Harvest Mark’s unit traceability system into their watermelon program. The innovative move forward put Leger on the map. Leger and Son stays committed to continually improving and updating packing facilities and equipment for maximum efficiency. Over the past few years, fully enclosed packing facilities with automated weighing and sizing equipment have been built to help manage quality.