October: National Popcorn Month – A Celebration of Crunchy Goodness!

by | Oct 14, 2024


October is here and with it comes not only the cool breeze, the changing leaves, and the excitement of fall festivities, but also something extra delightful – National Popcorn Month! That’s right, October is dedicated to celebrating the simple, healthy and versatile snack that has won over hearts and taste buds for generations. Whether you’re a fan of the classic buttered variety, enjoy a caramel-coated indulgence, or like to mix it up with gourmet flavors, popcorn is the perfect snack for every occasion. Let’s dive into the rich history and the sheer fun of popcorn as we celebrate this beloved treat all month long.

A Snack with Ancient Roots

While popcorn might seem like a modern convenience, its origins are ancient. Archaeologists have discovered popcorn remnants that date back thousands of years! In fact, the oldest popcorn ever found was around 5,600 years old, discovered in a cave in New Mexico. The indigenous people of the Americas were the first to enjoy this delightful snack, popping corn over open fires in clay pots.

Macro image of popcorn kernels.

The Popcorn Boom – Movies and More!

What’s a trip to the movies without popcorn? The association between popcorn and cinema dates back to the early 20th century. When sound was introduced to films in the 1920s, movie theaters started popping up everywhere, and so did the demand for snacks. Popcorn vendors saw an opportunity and began selling their freshly popped kernels outside of theaters.

Initially, movie theater owners were hesitant to embrace the crunchy snack. They considered popcorn too messy and believed it would sully the upscale atmosphere they were trying to create. However, as more and more patrons sneaked in bags of popcorn, theaters realized the potential for profit. By the mid-1930s, popcorn machines were installed in lobbies across the country, and the relationship between popcorn and movies became inseparable.

Cardboard container of spilled popcorn with red movie tickets.

To this day, popcorn is synonymous with movie nights. The smell alone can transport you to memories of cozy evenings in front of the TV or the thrill of seeing a blockbuster on the big screen.

Why October for Popcorn?

You might wonder, why is October the chosen month to celebrate popcorn? The answer is simple: popcorn harvesting! October is the time of year when popcorn is harvested — and interestingly, it’s a completely different variety than corn you eat on the cob! With farms buzzing with activity, it’s a fitting time to acknowledge the humble corn plant and the joy it brings to people across the country and beyond.

Field of Jimmy Red Corn

Jimmy Red Corn

October brings with it cooler weather, which means more indoor activities. Whether you’re hosting a Halloween movie marathon, having a cozy night in, or gearing up for the start of the holiday season, popcorn is the perfect companion for all your fall adventures.


Fun Popcorn Facts to Munch On

Character with a hand on chin and giant question mark in background.

To truly appreciate popcorn, let’s take a look at some fascinating facts that will make you love it even more!

  1. Popcorn Is Whole Grain: That’s right! Popcorn is a whole grain snack, meaning it’s packed with fiber and nutrients. It’s also naturally low in fat and calories, making it a healthier option compared to many other snack foods. When air-popped and eaten plain, it’s an excellent way to satisfy your cravings without the guilt.
  2. Popcorn Can Pop Up to 3 Feet High: The popping process is actually a mini explosion. Inside each kernel is a tiny drop of water, and when the kernel is heated, the water turns to steam, causing the kernel to burst open.
  3. There Are Two Main Types of Popcorn: Popcorn comes in two varieties – butterfly (also called snowflake) and mushroom. Butterfly popcorn has irregular shapes with wings that pop out, making it great for holding butter and seasonings. Mushroom popcorn, on the other hand, pops into a more compact, round shape, making it ideal for caramel or candy coatings.
  4. The U.S. Is the World’s Largest Producer of Popcorn: More than 70% of the world’s popcorn is grown right here in the United States, with Indiana, Nebraska, and Illinois leading the way.
  5. Americans Eat Over 14 billion Quarts of Popcorn Annually: That’s enough to fill the Empire State Building 18 times! Each American eats, on average, 43 quarts of popcorn every year.

Creative Ways to Celebrate National Popcorn Month

So, how can you celebrate National Popcorn Month? Here are a few fun ideas to get you popping with excitement:

Three large fireworks in the sky
  • Host a Popcorn Bar: Gather your friends or family for a movie night and set up a popcorn bar. Offer a variety of toppings such as melted chocolate, caramel drizzle, cheese powder, or even spicy seasonings. Let everyone create their own unique popcorn masterpiece.
  • Try Gourmet Flavors: Explore the world of gourmet popcorn. From savory options like truffle parmesan and jalapeño cheddar to sweet flavors like cinnamon bun or dark chocolate sea salt, the possibilities are endless!
  • Pop Your Own: Skip the microwave bags and try popping your own kernels on the stovetop or with an air popper. It’s fresher, healthier, and the sound of the kernels popping is oddly satisfying.
  • Experiment with Popcorn Recipes: Popcorn is not just for snacking; you can use it in recipes too! Try adding it to trail mix, topping a salad with it, or even incorporating it into desserts like popcorn balls or popcorn brittle.

Checkout these great popcorn recipes in the Where The Food Comes From Cookbook: For the health conscious give Ginger Turmeric Popcorn a try. Like it spicy? Spicy Korean Barbecue Popcorn is sweet and spicy and delivers an explosion of flavors. Like the taste of caramel and almonds? Combine it with popcorn for a sweet and crunchy treat – Caramel – Nut Popcorn Crunch. And for the perfect balance between sweet and spicy give Hot Honey Butter Popcorn a whirl.


