The long sought-after fountain of youth may have been hidden in plain sight all along. Three new studies suggest strawberries may be associated with slowing down aging of the brain, cardiovascular system, and gut microbiome. Keeping the Mind Sharp as We Age As a...
Brewing Food Security: Transforming Food Waste Into Sustainable Nutrition
Written by: Ashley Vargo, Communications Specialist, Texas A&M AgriLife Feature Image: While each upcycled food product the Ovissipour lab generates has fermentation at the core, the exact processes and finer details are unique and optimized to each product....
A Delectable Dessert For Valentine’s Day
If you’re going above and beyond a stuffed animal and boxed chocolates this Valentine’s Day, try these Cheesecake Cookie Cups for a special homemade dessert. Made with love, it’s a perfect combination of sweet and creamy. Cheesecake Cookie Cups Recipe courtesy of...
Empowering Entrepreneurs: ACRE’s Role In Growing South Carolina’s Agribusiness
Written by: Eva Moore, Communications Director, South Carolina Department of AgricultureACRE Nurtures Innovation in SC Agribusiness - Eight Years In, the Agribusiness Center for Research and Entrepreneurship Is Still Looking AheadWhen Kyle Player moved back to South...
California Mandates Baby Food Heavy Metal Disclosure
About Marion Nestle Marion Nestle is Paulette Goddard Professor of Nutrition, Food Studies, and Public Health, Emerita, at New York University, which she chaired from 1988-2003 and from which she officially retired in September 2017. In 2023, she was awarded The...
Decoding The Gut’s Immune System: How Food Tolerance And Allergies Are Regulated
With every bite of food we take, our intestinal immune system must make a big decision. Tasked with defending us from foreign pathogens, these exquisitely sensitive cells somehow distinguish friend from foe—destroying invaders while tolerating food and helpful...
Game Day Gronkamole? Kick Off Your Winning Party With A Gronk Sized Twist!
The best watch parties have two things in common: good food and good company to root for your team with. Kick off your football feast with appetizers made with a game day favorite: avocados. With nearly 2.5 billion pounds of avocados imported from Mexico annually,...
Smarter Snacking: Easy Energy Bites For All-Day Fuel!
Having enough energy and fuel to make it through a long day can be challenging. No matter if you’re a stay-at-home parent, corporate worker or small business owner, having a high energy level that lasts throughout the day is important for both you and those around...
Salute To Service: Mahindra’s Military Giveaway Is Here!
Mahindra Launches 11th Annual Military Salute Giveaway to Thank Our Military Mahindra Ag North America (MAgNA) announced the return of an exciting tradition: the annual Mahindra Military Salute Giveaway. This year’s giveaway features a Mahindra 1120 tractor with a...
Already Quit Your Resolutions? Try These Health Hacks You Can Actually Stick To!
Written by: Emily Krause, RD, LD Emily Krausse is a passionate Registered Dietitian with diverse dietetic background in clinical, retail, private practice and school nutrition. She’s an enthusiastic leader with strong verbal and personal communication skills and...