Case Studies Provide Operational, Profitability Insights Into Regenerative Ag

by | Apr 25, 2023


Soil Health Academy is publishing detailed case studies educating us on how farmers and ranchers are successfully implementing soil health-focused regenerative agricultural practices in their operations. You’ll also learn more about the resulting positive impacts on their farms’ food, animals, profits and futures.

The non-profit Soil Health Academy (SHA) has published detailed case studies examining the operational, production and profitability details of regenerative farming and ranching operations across the country.

According to SHA President Dawn Breitkreutz, the project is funded by the Wells Fargo Foundation and is designed to provide strategic and tactical insights to help guide farming and ranching enterprises as they transition from high-input, chemically dependent conventional agriculture to lower-input, more profitable regenerative operations.

Dawn Breitkreutz, President, Soil Health Academy

Dawn Breitkreutz, President, Soil Health Academy

“Each farm and ranch featured in this series represents a unique business enterprise with unique production and operational challenges and opportunities,” Breitkreutz said. “But the common thread for each is their use of soil health-focused regenerative agricultural principles and practices to create profitable businesses, many of which are providing local employment and generational succession opportunities that otherwise would not exist.”

While peer-reviewed studies provide useful data relative to the profitability of regenerative ag systems in aggregate, Breitkreutz said the academic research process is protracted and frequently yields limited actionable information for agricultural producers and their businesses.

“Because farmers and ranchers face soaring input costs and shrinking profit margins today, they need practical business and operational information today,” she said. “SHA’s case studies provide useful information in detail, including what worked, what didn’t work and the lessons learned along the way by the farmers and ranchers featured in each case study. We’re very grateful to these farm families for sharing their insights and experiences so other regenerative farmers and ranchers can benefit from their expertise.”

The first seven of ten case studies are available at An additional three case studies will be added to the website in the coming weeks.

Funded with a grant from the Wells Fargo Foundation, the non-profit Soil Health Academy is publishing detailed case studies that examine the operational, production and profitability details of 10 farms and ranches that transitioned from conventional to regenerative agricultural practices.