Episode Elements

Season 4, Episode 5 Bonus Scene: How Do They Get The Sweet Stuff Out?

Season 4, Episode 5 Bonus Scene: How Do They Get The Sweet Stuff Out?

Splenda's new stevia farm in central Florida is the first of its kind in the U.S. Thousands of plants produce millions of leaves that are then turned into plant-based stevia sweetener products. But how do they get the sweet stuff out? Science! Wait... come back! It's not scary science, it's...

Season 3, Episode 13 Bonus Scene: The Staredown — No Bull

Season 3, Episode 13 Bonus Scene: The Staredown — No Bull

Cows are generally pretty tranquil animals, and the pampered bovines at Baxley, GA's Circle F Farms are even moreso. The Folsom family has been ranching for generations — now they've put that experience in play with an amazing retail store and an emphasis on charcuterie. But have you ever had a...

Season 3, Episode 12 Bonus Scene: Where The Honey Bees Come From

Season 3, Episode 12 Bonus Scene: Where The Honey Bees Come From

So you've seen all of this stuff we've shown you about bees, and you're still not scared off. You're thinking maybe you'd want to establish a hive or two. How would you ever begin? You can't just go out and hunt down a bee colony and bring it home. You can't go borrow one from another beekeeper...

Season 3, Episode 12 Sneak Peek: The Buzz About Bees

Season 3, Episode 12 Sneak Peek: The Buzz About Bees

It's the oldest story we know — the birds and the bees. We don't need the birds to grow our food, but without the bees we'd be in a lot of trouble. About a third of all crops require direct pollination by bees, including 70 of the top 100 primary sources of our food. Take away the bees, you take...

Season 3, Episode 11 Bonus Scene: What’s A TEU?

Season 3, Episode 11 Bonus Scene: What’s A TEU?

Port of Savannah is the third-busiest in the nation. It's a constant blur of activity — cranes, trains, trucks and some of the most massive ships you've ever seen, all loaded with products from around the world, including a whole lot of the food we eat. They measure traffic in "TEUs" — but what is...