WTFCF Celebrates 100 Cookbook Recipes! — Sort Of…

by | Feb 26, 2024


Donna Sanders headshot and byline.

Hi. If you don’t know me my name is Donna Sanders. In my previous life I was a nurse and nursing instructor. Well, times change and with that so have I. I joined the Where The Food Comes From team almost three years ago and now wear so many hats it makes my head spin. But, my pride and joy is being the creator of the Where The Food Comes From Cookbook, which launched shortly after the show premiered in January 2022. Yeah, I know, quite a switch but after all that’s what keeps life interesting. Right?

Thumbs up image.

I am proud to announce the Where The Food Comes From Cookbook has hit 100 RECIPES! That may not sound like a ton compared to some cookbooks and websites, but my goal has never been to have the most recipes it’s to have the best and most unique! And since they come from the guests of our show, family and friends, these are as unique as it gets. Almost every one adds to the story of an episode it represents.

And actually there are more than 100 now! I’ve been so busy as Food Editor and Asst. Producer of Where The Food Comes From I wasn’t exactly keeping track. I was just plugging away and wasn’t counting when I hit 100. Like I say, we’re busy around here we didn’t even realize last summer as we were filming the 50th episode of the show on the campus of the University of Georgia in Athens that we had hit that milestone until after the fact! We celebrated the next day with an amazing late lunch at the legendary Weaver D’s Delicious Fine Foods, the pinnacle of soul food perfection. (Dexter I’m still waiting on some recipes!)

It’s been a lot of work obviously since there’s no time to keep count but so well worth it. And I am happy to say it is constantly improving. I’m dedicated to letting you get right to what you’re looking for the recipe and instructions rather than making you wade through a bunch of unrelated nonsense and of course an endless parade of ads. I’m very proud you won’t find any of that here. But you will find great recipes with heart and soul that help expand the story of each show. 

There are so many yummy recipes from our guests, family and friends that I decided to share my favorites with all of you. To do that I had to sit down and take a look at them all and was pleasantly surprised to find the actual number is now at 133 recipes! But celebrating our 100th Recipe sounds a lot better than celebrating our 133rd. Now I’d love to see some of your own favorites if you’d care to share send them with a picture (16:9 or 1:1) and a little info about who you are and what the recipe means to your family to

Selecting just a few of my favorites from our 133 was no easy task they’re all so great and I’m proud of every one and the stories they tell.

But after much thought here are my top five.

Lisa Dorn Hickory Hill Milk.

Up first, Sweetpotato Dumplings from Lisa Dorn of Hickory Hill Milk. Lisa hosts a weekly event and cooks’ lunch for everybody on the farm and any visitors that may drop by. I am so glad we were filming at Hickory Hill Milk that day and got to sample these incredible dumplings. Being weight conscious, I took only one. Let me tell you, these things are one of the best things I ever put in my mouth. Talk about happy taste buds! I decided to go back for seconds and deal with the extra calories later.

Chip sits with Red Sun Farms CEO Carlos Visconti.

(R) Chip with Carlos Visconti, CEO, Red Sun Farms

Slowly but surely the cookbook is acquiring recipes for our friends with dietary restrictions and special dietary requirements. Being gluten sensitive I was so happy to find and add Gluten Free Italian Meatloaf Muffins from our friends at Red Sun Farms. They have created a recipe filled with ground beef, spinach and beans such a winning combination. Served with a side of roasted veggies and pecans turns this meatloaf into a gourmet meal fit for a king.

Chip Carter and Jo Carter-Harbin infront of the University of Tampa

Chip and Jo

Up next, Mizz Jo’s Tomato Pie. Fun fact: Mizz Jo is the mother of Where The Food Comes From host and producer Chip Carter. When we are filming in Georgia, Mizz Jo is kind enough to host our crew and I always ask her to make this. It is totally addicting! So don’t be surprised to find yourself going back for more. In fact, have been known to sneak into the kitchen while everyone else is sleeping just for that extra sliver or two, but please don’t tell the others.

Rich's Department store, Atlanta, GA.

Pie, one of my favorite foods, became a must for one of the top five picks and with so many to choose from picking one was pretty difficult. I finally decided on Rich’s Pecan Pie. Pecan pie is a southern tradition, which is no surprise since Georgia is the largest pecan producing state. Known for its sweet and buttery taste pecan pie has become a favorite during the holidays. But please consume with caution, one serving of pecan pie has about 550 calories. My solution, I take a couple of extra laps around the block.

Don Sanders Headshot

Last, but not least, is Don’s Lentil Cabbage Soup. Full disclosure: This recipe is from my dad. But what makes this even better is lentils are a secret superfood and combined with cabbage makes this a superfood on steroids (one of my favorite sayings)! Honestly, I don’t know how to describe it, but when I’m by my folks this is my number one food request and it is so easy to make, he never says no. I can and do eat a lot of it. But lentils nor cabbage are high in calories so no guilt here.

Find the time to check out these and all the other fabulous recipes in our cookbook. I am sure your taste buds will thank you. And so do I. I’m already looking forward to the next 100!


Bon Appetit!